
時間: 2017.12.14-15  Halon Bay CRUISE 下龍灣


下龍灣: 1994 年聯合國教科文組織將其列入世界遺產,2011年又獲選為新七大奇景之一,另有海上桂林之稱。


這行程應該是一般人對於越南最直接的反應了吧! 其實我對這行程的興趣不是很大,之前曾從溫哥華搭郵輪到阿拉斯加。 其實大概就知道在船上過夜是怎麼一回事。




這次的越南行,算是半自助! 為何會稱之半自助呢!主要是行程我都直接接洽當地的travel agent

所以算是由不同的local tour 組成的北越行了吧!


下龍灣的行程若是到了當地後 會立刻驚覺這價差也太大了吧。 其實主要就是船的裝潢等級、吃的內容等。 有二星、三星、四星、五星等可選擇。 然後是要當天來回 還是二天一夜 三天二夜



我們的下龍灣是在我們出發前 我就直接在台灣都先訂好行程,預付了訂金。 但其實若不是在熱門季節  行程又不是排太緊的人。我倒是覺的可以到了當地 在詢問飯店亦或去附近比價即可。


原本有在考慮二星或三星的船,但travel agent的建議是 二星的比較沒那麼優,而且畢竟是二天一夜都會待在船上面,所以後來決定了三星的,travel agent還幫忙免費升等到四星船。


我們是住三人房,每人是 美金 155 (而且二人房跟三人房,每個人支付的金額是一樣的,但若是個人住單人房,就需另加價 )

值的一提的是,我們在船上有碰到另一組台灣人,一樣的等級 但他們一人卻只支付了 USD 135 (他們是直接跟他們的飯店詢價) 分享資料給大家  就看大家的選擇了

皇家宮殿遊輪 (Royal Palace Cruise) -此次四星的船



其實雖然是四星級的船,但到底是要如何判斷是幾星級的 就是個問號了。


當天約莫 八點左右 就會有人來飯店


其實基本上就是延途接人  所以要記的不要遲到唷 不然會影響到後續的接人時間




約莫中途時 會讓大家下車上個廁所,採買一下 30分的休息時間


因為我們的船 有稍稍比較大 吃水較重  因此需先搭小船(3-5) 再到此次四星等級的船




但我們的tour 總共會提供4

從河內到下龍灣車上 – 1

船上提供 2  

下龍灣到河內車上 – 1


茲將下龍灣二日行程分享  -- 皇家宮殿遊輪 (Royal Palace Cruise)



DAY 1: HANOI– HALONG BAY (L, D) - Scenic cruise, kayaking, swimming

07:45 - 08:15: Pick up at your hotel and depart for Ha Long City.

12:30 - On arrival at pier, you will board your Cruise and you are warmly welcomed by professional and friendly crew. Check into cabin.

13:00 - Enjoy specially prepared lunch while cruising through most beautiful parts of the magical Bay with thousands of amazing limestone islands emerging from emerald water. Sailing with Cruise in very tranquil route, exploring the exotic beauty of the legendary Bay, a feeling in paradise will come to you.Cruise brings our valued customers to the most tranquil parts of the Bay where you can’t find any boat there, cruising zigzag through hundreds of islands.

15:30 - Discover the magical beauty of nature along side limestone cliffs stretching vertically over pure blue water in tranquil bay. Kayaking time after that

16:30 - Swimming time, this is great chance to relax in water.

19:00 - Enjoy the special dinner cooked by our professional chef.

20:30 - The moment you choose your own way to relax after dinner, listening to music, singing karaoke, relaxing on the sundeck, squid fishing available for entertainment during the night time.

DAY 2: HALONG BAY - HANOI (B, L) - Surprising Cave, Scenic cruise, cooking demonstration

06:00 – You can wake up early for taking beautiful photos of sunrise

07:00 – Enjoy your breakfast, coffee, tea, fruits.

08:00 – Visit Surprising Cave – the most beautiful one in Halong Bay.

09:00 – Back to Cruise for check-out. Keep cruising towards Ha Long Bay, passing by hundreds of islands and islets with different shapes depending on your imagination.

10:00 – Cooking class opened right on the cruise.

11:00 – Farewell Lunch served on the cruise before you arrive at harbor.

12:30 – Get on the bus to Hanoi.

17:00– Transfer you back to your hotel.


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